

I absolutely love ‘yak fishing in Mackay, on any given day you can have an endless amount of options and different species to target regardless of weather and conditions. From the coral reefs of the Whitsundays to the freshwater streams of the upper Fitzroy River system, the local Mackay ‘yak fraternity get to target some of the worlds most legendary species. On our local bucket lists are the coral trout and tusk fish… Read More

I decided to finally have a serious attempt to land a Sooty Grunter from the Yak but did not want to put up with the crowds and the Dam Lice (water skiers) at Kinchant. I was in no mood for a long drive either so after a couple of coffees my mind was made up to head for the upper reaches of the Pioneer. So armed with a few likely hardbodied lures,… Read More